Costco American Express Card: My Rewards

Yesterday, I told you how I’m only going to pay $35 for an Executive Costco Membership. Today, I’m going to tell you how I’m actually going to be getting it for free – and have them pay me.

For a couple years, I had one credit card: my Capital One card. I loved it – it had great rewards and they increased my limit so I was happy with it. However, once I moved into my current house, my feelings changed. I was now getting gas at Costco because it was the closest gas station to my house. They always had a sign above the pump that announced I could get THREE PERCENT BACK IF I USED A COSTCO AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD.

3% sounded really good. I was only getting 1% back with my current card – and 3%! Well if I spent $200 a month on gas, instead of $2, I’d be getting $3 back! Well ok, it wasn’t that much of a difference. But that kind of money adds up! Besides, at that time I was using my debit card to pay for Costco (since they only take American Express) which of course gives me 0% back.

I was hesitant though. I had an American Express card once before and I didn’t like it because so many places didn’t accept the card. I ended up not using it for so long that they closed my account (that’s bad, don’t let that happen to you). But after weighing the pros and cons, I decided to try again. This time, I’d get the American Express card but only use it for Costco purchases and gas.

One of the things I hate most though is that they only send you your rewards once a year – in February. This is a far cry from the immediate view of my rewards I get with Capital One. But I waited and waited and yesterday, it finally came:

That’s $92 I would not have gotten back had I not signed up for the American Express card. To me, that’s worth it. Of course, you have to consider the pros and cons. Making a decision to get a credit card should not be made lightly. I got it because I only had one card at the time, I knew I could pay it off every month, I could take the credit hit and the rewards were worth it to me.

Now, I can put $35 towards the new membership and consider $57 as profit. Of course, it will go right back in to Costco but that’s a lot I’m saving on my next grocery bill.

Do you have a Costco American Express card? What do you think of it?

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  1. Wow great deal! I don’t have a card. I’m not sure if we would be saving any money because I’m afraid we would waste food.

    • Well, I use Costco for a lot of non-perishable things: toilet paper, paper towers, water, etc. Of course, I do buy some food (I loved the canned stuff because they last – corn, tomatoes), onions, eggs and even bell peppers are pretty cheap.

      I do agree though – it’s hard to know whether you’d be saving money or spending more. Sometimes, I’m not even sure!

  2. You guys are so lucky on the other side of the pond with your cashback rewards! We are hard pushed to get even 0.5%!!

    • It’s a double edged sword for me – it’s nice to have the cashback but it also means that we’re spending a lot. But in my mind, I spent this much even before I had the rewards so…it makes sense to add them on!

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