Personal Training: Is It Worth It?

The Initial Session

I recently explained how I ended up with my current gym membership to LA Fitness – and with that came a “free fitness assessment”.  We heard that it was going to be a “mini workout” but it actually ended up being the hardest workout I ever had. We met up with our assigned trainer who talked to us about our goals and measured our body fat (I forget how much but my goal should apparently be to lose about 13 pounds and G’s goal is to lose 50). He then took us through a grueling workout that, after I dragged myself off the floor, was actually amazing. I felt sore for the next 3 days – which is what I want after a workout.

Starting Prices

The sales manager started talking to us about personal training packages and prices after that but I didn’t want it at that point – I don’t like making impulse buys like that. Plus, my brain was mush after that workout. The only package I remember was the one closest to the package I would want:

$250 initiation and $40/session for 4 a month (i.e. $160/month) for 12 months

We went home at this point and we both agreed we had loved this trainer. The problem was that we had tried trainers before and really didn’t like them but we figured if we could get a trainer like the one we just had, that would be okay. I let the subject matter drop and a few days later, I decided that I wanted to get a personal trainer for G for Valentine’s Day.

What I wanted

I went in to talk to the sales manager for personal training and he quoted the price above again which was way too much in my mind. I had done my research online and decided that the most I wanted to spend was $120/month. My budget allowed for this because I had just stopped using a housekeeper which also cost $120/month. And in my mind, I’d rather have a personal trainer than a housekeeper.

I told him that I had specific things I wanted and listed them off:

  • $120 total a month for 12 months for 4 sessions/month ($30 for a 30-minute session)
  • $150 initiation
  • Eval session for free (he had previously told me that this would be the first session but wouldn’t be much of a workout)
  • I want to interview the trainers and pick one instead of having him pick one for me
  • Two for one: I wanted one trainer to work out both G and me – and this was a dealbreaker

The last point was one that I definitely had to had – G and I had talked about it and we loved working out with each other. We push each other to work harder and just have a lot more fun that way. The sales manager told me that he could get me the $120/month but there was no way to go lower on the $250 initiation. I still didn’t want to spend that much, so I left.

The Final Negotiation

I went back in a week later and asked to speak to the sales manager. He was out sick which disappointed me at first because he knew exactly what kind of deal I wanted. Instead, I talked to another trainer about what I wanted. I gave him my same list and told him that the sales manager had told me $120/month was fine but that I wanted a lower initiation. One important point: I never mentioned the initiation fee we had talked about. I didn’t do this on purpose but it came back to help me in the end.

He went and talked to whoever he needed to talk to then came back and told me what they could do. He offered me:

  • $120/month for 4 sessions (Check!)
  • Free eval session (Check!)
  • Two for one – G and I could both be trained on this plan (Check!)
  • A trainer he picked out (Boo! I couldn’t argue with this one because he said the trainer had to agree to train 2 people instead of 1. But he did agree that if we didn’t like the trainer, we could switch which was good enough for me.)
  • $150 initiation fee with 2 extra sessions thrown in – so it would be like $60 for free (getting down to a $90 initiation). YAY! 

That last one really surprised me – apparently, they had a special going on that would bring the initiation to $150 so when I mentioned that I was hoping to get a lower initiation fee, he thought it meant lower than $150, not the $250 that the sales manager had originally quoted me. And who was I to argue with that?

I really wanted the extra 2 sessions in writing but I didn’t really want to push – and I now know all of these people well enough that I don’t believe they’ll renege on that. So at that point, I agreed, signed all the paperwork and paid initiation and first month’s dues ($260). I went home and gave the workout journal they provide as a V-day gift to G and then gave him the news. He took it rather well for someone who I just told that I made a contract they would work out consistently for the next 12 months.

Just kidding, he was really happy about it actually (although he was upset at first about how much money I was spending on him).

Personal Training

We had our first session last week and it went really well. So far, I’m really liking our trainer although I don’t think he was as tough as the initial trainer. We were both exhausted afterwards so that says something. We’re writing each workout down as well and during the week, we go back and rotate through them (even though we only have 2 right now).

So do I think personal training is worth it? Definitely! You have to have the right attitude, the right trainer and the right budget – but if all of those 3 things come together, I think it’s a great investment into our health. I’m really excited to see how the next 12 months go but I think we can definitely keep it up and become healthier.

Do you use a personal trainer or have you ever in the past? What do you think about it?

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