Spending Recap: 2/13-2/19

Monday 2/13

$270 – Vday present for G (personal training at the gym. This includes the initiation fee and first month dues.)

Tuesday 2/14

$46 – Gas

Wednesday 2/15

$10 – Lunch (coworker’s bday)

Thursday 2/16

$25Amazon Local deal
$9 – Domain (yes, I bought the domain for this blog. Debating on getting hosting.)

Friday 2/17

$5 – drinks at a bar

Saturday 2/18

$23 – dinner (pizza + dinner for G)

Sunday 2/19

$15 – dinner (sushi)

Weekly expenses (without bills): $433

How I did against my projection from last week: This is my first time doing this, so nothing from last week. However, I wanted to have at least a couple of no spend days so I’m a bit disappointed. I’ve been so good about not buying deals but I gave in to that Amazon Local deal – which I still think is worth it. The majority went to the Valentine’s day gift I got for G so I’m okay with that.

Projected week: This week should be cheaper. The only thing I really have planned is to hopefully go snowboarding on Sunday – which I already have a season pass for. I’d like to go get a massage today but I already have a Groupon voucher for it so I only have to pay for tip.

Goal for the next week (excluding bills):
Groceries: $20
Food: $45
Shopping: $0
Luxuries: $15
Gas: $50
Total:  $130